IQAir нь агаарын чанарыг сайжруулах зорилгын хүрээнд Дэлхийн тэргүүлэх судалгааны байгууллагуудтай маш идэвхитэй хамтран ажилладаг. Мөн бусад брэндийн агаар цэвэршүүлэгчидтэй харьцуулахад илүү олон №1 шагнал хүртсэн байна.

Consumers Digest Best Buy Winner

Consumers Digest Magazine has repeatedly named the IQAir HealthPro® Plus as the “Best Buy” for home air purifiers in the Premium category. Consumers Digest gives the Best Buy designation only to products that deliver exceptional value at a particular price range. Their rigorous process includes identifying all of the products in a category, then conducting hands-on research and evaluation before choosing the category winner.

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

The ABC-TV hit show “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” calls on the IQAir Clean Air Team to provide medical-grade air quality whenever a family’s health requires the cleanest air possible. The unique relationship began during Extreme Makeover’s second season, when IQAir worked alongside the Extreme Makeover team to supply the Grinnan family the clean air they needed after their daughter Hannah underwent a heart transplant. The relationship continues today.

American Lung Association Educational Partners

IQAir North America is the exclusive Health Partner of the American Lung Association for the air purifier industry. We share a commitment to protecting the public from polluted indoor air through mutual educational efforts. In addition, our partnership with the American Lung Association helps both organizations exchange information and ideas on how to cope with and lessen the effects of allergies and asthma.

Parent Tested, Parent Approved Winner

The IQAir HealthPro® Plus has earned the Parent Tested, Parent Approved (PTPA) Seal of Approval. The system earned the highest marks from PTPA for effectiveness, customer satisfaction and overall cost of ownership. Winners of the PTPA Seal of Approval are chosen by an expert panel of parents that conduct exhaustive evaluation after using the products in a real-world setting.

U.S. Green Building Council Member

The U.S. Green Building Council is committed to a prosperous and sustainable future for our nation through cost-efficient and energy-saving green buildings. IQAir is a strong supporter of green building and of safe, energy-efficient air purification solutions for all buildings. IQAir North America is a proud member of the U.S. Green Building Council.

Allergy Buyers Club Category Winner

The staff at AllergyBuyersClub.com, a leading retailer that sells healthy home products, has been testing air purifiers since 1998. They award the IQAir HealthPro® Plus with the title Category Winner for air purifiers and as the best choice for anyone with serious allergies or asthma. “Put simply, this manufacturer has done everything right,” their online reviewers say.

Collaborative for High Performance Schools Member

IQAir’s involvement in the Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) reflects our role in developing high-performance air purification solutions for classrooms. IQAir partners with government air quality agencies and communities to develop cost-effective, energy-efficient air filtration systems for schools. Our solutions are designed to meet CHPS standards for low noise as well as air quality, and we share the CHPS passion for helping schools reduce energy consumption.

IQAir бүтээгдэхүүний Монгол дахь цорын ганц албан ёсны борлуулагч
Бид Монголчуудаа эрүүл, урт удаан амьдрахад хувь нэмрээ оруулах зорилгоор Дэлхийн шилдэг технологийг нэвтрүүлээд байна. Монголдоо эрүүл амьдарцгаая.

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